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Market Trends Daily
02-16-2022 22:55 rtrt Negative
2021-04-05 12:01 Increase Stimulus Expectation positive
2021-04-04 15:35 Payroll Increase positive
2021-04-04 17:00 Corona Virus Vaccine Announcements positive
Sell a vertical spread on Lowes (LOW) to capture flat to upward moves
Action Symbol Entry Closing
Buy To Open LOW201113P170 1.00 1.90
Sell To Open LOW201113P172.5 2.55 3.50
Cost 1.50
Exit Upon Expiration
Disposition Active
Gain/Loss 12.30
Dr Terry F Allen https://www.terrytips.com 2021-02-09
Sell a vertical spread on Lowes (LOW) to capture flat to upward moves
Action Symbol Entry Closing
Buy To Open LOW201113P170 1.00 1.90
Sell To Open LOW201113P172.5 2.55 3.50
Cost 1.50
Exit Upon Expiration
Disposition Active
Gain/Loss 12.30
Dr Terry F Allen https://www.terrytips.com 2021-02-09
Last Week's Options Trades
LOW 1 1.30 Closed
LOW 2 2.30 Closed
LOW 3 3.30 Closed
LOW 4 4.30 Pending
Sell a vertical spread on Lowes (LOW) to capture flat to upward moves
Action Symbol Entry Closing
Buy To Open LOW201113P170 1.00 1.90
Sell To Open LOW201113P172.5 2.55 3.50
Cost 1.50
Exit Upon Expiration
Disposition Active
Gain/Loss 12.30
Dr Terry F Allen https://www.terrytips.com 2021-02-09
Sell a vertical spread on Lowes (LOW) to capture flat to upward moves
Action Symbol Entry Closing
Buy To Open LOW201113P170 1.00 1.90
Sell To Open LOW201113P172.5 2.55 3.50
Cost 1.50
Exit Upon Expiration
Disposition Active
Gain/Loss 12.30
Dr Terry F Allen https://www.terrytips.com 2021-02-09